If you’re a student enrolled in one of the Consortium’s partner higher education institutions, you can apply for an Erasmus+ internship. You must contact your institution’s International Relations/Mobility Office for information on the deadlines and requirements for your application.
There are 3 types of Erasmus+ internships:
Curricular Internships – included in your academic activities, embedded in your course programme.
Extracurricular internships – in your area of study, as a complement to your learning, but not included in your study programme.
Recent graduate internships – right after the completion of your degree, as a complement to a professional training.
It depends on whether you will undertake a curricular, extracurricular or recent graduate internship.
The beginning of the curricular internships is subject to your course calendar, depending on the deadlines you may have to fulfill in your Faculty/School of origin. Confirm the procedures with the Internships Office/International Relations/Mobility Office of your institution.
The extracurricular internship can start at any time, as long as it is compatible with the remaining academic activities you still have to complete.
The recent graduate internship can begin as soon as you finish your degree and must be completed within the 12 months following its conclusion. If you undertook an Erasmus+ Mobility Period during your study cycle, check how many available months you have. (Each student can carry out up to 12 months of an Erasmus+ mobility period throughout the same study cycle, including the recent graduate internship. For long cycles, like integrated master’s, the student can carry out up to 24 months of an Erasmus+ mobility period).
Yes. It’s possible to carry out an internship with all the conditions and advantages that the Erasmus + Programme provides you, (possibility of being accepted at the host institution, school insurance, recognition of the internship, among others) without receiving a scholarship from the Programme.
Even if you do not get a scholarship, you are subject to all the duties and obligations of participating in the Programme (application within the set deadlines, compliance with the eligibility conditions of your institution, signing of the Erasmus contract, taking the OLS language tests, submission of a final report).
Yes, it’s possible to get a remuneration from the host institution combined with the Erasmus+ scholarship. It is possible to merge it with other grants or cost allowances (for transport or meals) if they do not come from the EU funds.
Firstly, you should contact your institution’s Internship/International Relations/Mobility Office to help you identify the internship that is most suited to your curricular/professional requirements.
You should directly contact the institutions you’re interested in to check if they have the possibility to welcome you for an internship under the Erasmus+ Programme.
You should explore your contact network: colleagues, friends, teachers, companies, etc. and express your intention and willingness to have a professional experience in a foreign country.
There are a number of Institutions and platforms that can help you find a place to take your internship. We leave you a few suggestions of free platforms:
Erasmus Intern (ESN): https://erasmusintern.org
Praxis: http://www.praxisnetwork.eu/
TX: https://www.trainingexperience.org
Eurasmus: https://europe-internship.com/
E +: http://erasplus.com/
PlacementSlovakia: http://www.placementslovakia.com/
You must make the first contact with the possible internship places, by sending your updated CV and a presentation email, where you must mention the objectives and duration of the internship, referring to the Erasmus+ Programme.
No. Being a long and integrated study cycle, master’s students can participate in the Erasmus+ Programme up to a maximum of 24 months during the study cycle, regardless of the number of times they participate and of the type of mobility (studies/internship or recent graduate internship). Furthermore, the minimum and maximum duration of the mobility flows (Studies min. 90 days/max. 365 days, Internship min. 60 days/max. 365 days) must be taken into consideration.